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Street Fighter 6: Analyzing the Impact of Modern Controls (M) for Long-Term Players

The introduction of Modern Controls Mode (M) in Street Fighter 6 has stirred up a debate within the fighting game community (FGC). While Capcom’s intention was to make the game more accessible to newer players, it has raised concerns about its potential impact on long-term, classic players who have kept the franchise alive and active.

With a 20% damage penalty for using Modern controls, players can execute combos and special moves without mastering the technical inputs required in Classical Mode, but it remains to be seen how this change will affect the competitive landscape.

One of the key questions hovering over the game’s launch is whether players using Modern Controls will be allowed to compete in professional championships and leagues. If they are, it could potentially disrupt the balance of competition and provoke a backlash from hardcore, classic players. However, until this issue is addressed, the impact of Modern Controls on the FGC remains uncertain.

Despite these concerns, Capcom’s strategy to attract new players has proven successful so far, with the game receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews and reaching one million active players since its release.

While it’s nearly impossible to satisfy all players in any gaming community, Street Fighter 6 has come close to achieving that goal. Yet, questions about the long-term implications of Modern Controls persist, leaving the FGC to watch and wait as the game’s competitive landscape unfolds.

Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6

Impact on New Players

Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 offer a more accessible way for new players to enter the world of fighting games. By simplifying the controls, it aims to lower the entry barrier for players who may be intimidated by the game’s steep learning curve. The introduction of this feature has been well-received, with the game hitting 1 million players since its release. However, the impact of this on the competitive gaming scene remains a point of contention.

Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 - Playstation 5 Controller
Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 – Playstation 5 Controller (Official Website)

The Modern Controls mode comes with a 20% damage penalty, which makes it less optimal for seasoned players. Despite the penalty, it is still viewed as a beneficial addition since it removes the need for precise, technical inputs, allowing a wider audience to enjoy the game’s mechanics and perform combos or special moves effortlessly.

Effects on Long-Term Players

Long-term players who are used to traditional controls may find the introduction of Modern Controls to be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, it’s undeniable that the easier controls help attract more players to the game, thus expanding the community and keeping the game alive. However, the question remains if Modern Controls will be allowed in PRO Championships or leagues, as it may draw unfavorable reactions from more competitive and hardcore players.

Street Fighter 6 Screenshot: Cammy Vs Manon - Both execution the Drive Impact Command
Street Fighter 6 Screenshot: Cammy Vs Manon – Both execution the Drive Impact Command

Many experienced players may feel at a disadvantage if they believe that they have dedicated countless hours perfecting their skills in the Classic Mode, only to be matched up against new players utilizing Modern Controls. This potential consequence is particularly important to consider in light of Capcom’s goal to bridge the gap between old and new players in Street Fighter 6.

In summary, Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 present both opportunities and challenges to the game’s community. While it is well-received by new players and helps expand the game’s reach, it also brings up concerns about the implications for long-term players and the competitive scene. It remains to be seen how this feature will evolve or be balanced in future updates and tournaments. Ultimately, successfully navigating these concerns will be crucial to the ongoing success of Street Fighter 6 and its diverse player base.

Competitive Scene Ramifications

Pro Championship and League Participation

The introduction of Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 has led to questions regarding the participation of players using this mode in professional championships and leagues. It remains uncertain whether or not Modern Control Players will be allowed to compete in such events. Although the mode has a 20% damage penalty, it significantly reduces the technical inputs required for combos and special moves, which could potentially impact competitive gameplay.

Classical Players’ Reactions

The reactions of classical, long-term players towards the inclusion of Modern Controls in Street Fighter 6 are also a point of discussion. If Modern Controls are allowed in professional competitions, it may trigger a range of responses from the established player base. There might be concerns about how the new control scheme could affect the competitive balance of the game and its long-term viability in the fighting game community.

Street Fighter 6: Analyzing the Impact of Modern Controls (M) for Long-Term Players
Street Fighter 6: Analyzing the Impact of Modern Controls (M) for Long-Term Players

Despite these questions, Street Fighter 6 has garnered a substantial amount of positive reviews and has attracted a large player-base since its release, with over 1 million players. It is evident that Capcom aimed to bring new players into the fighting game universe with their Modern Control strategy. Time will tell if this decision will have lasting positive or negative effects on the competitive scene and whether it will maintain long-term player engagement in Street Fighter 6.

Assessing Capcom Strategy

Attracting Newcomers

Capcom’s introduction of the Modern Control Mode (M) in Street Fighter 6 aims to lower the entry barrier for newcomers to the fighting game community. The Modern controls carry a 20% damage penalty but offer simplified inputs for combos and special moves, making it much more accessible for new players who might otherwise be discouraged by complex technical requirements. This strategy has had positive early results, as the game has reached one million players since its release, with many positive reviews praising its inclusive approach.

Sustaining Competitive Environment

On the other hand, the potential impact on the competitive scene remains uncertain, as the question of whether Modern Control players will be allowed to compete in professional championships or leagues is still up in the air. Hardcore, long-term players who are accustomed to the Classical Mode may have mixed reactions if Modern controls are permitted in competitive play, potentially leading to debates over fairness and skill levels.

Capcom will need to address these concerns to maintain a healthy competitive environment for both new and seasoned players.

Ultimately, it is too early to determine the long-term effects of Capcom’s Modern Control strategy on the Street Fighter 6 community. For now, it is clear that their goal of attracting new players has been successful, but sustaining a competitive environment that satisfies both newcomers and experienced players may require further adjustments and compromise.

The Future of Street Fighter 6

Game’s Reception and Milestones

Street Fighter 6 has seen a resounding positive response from the gaming community since its release. The game has reached a significant milestone with over 1 million players enjoying the experience. This success can be partially attributed to the introduction of the Modern Controls mode, which has made the game more approachable for new players.

Street Fighter 6 Illustration (all main characters) - Quest Log Games
Street Fighter 6 Illustration (all main characters)

However, questions still remain regarding the competitive aspect of the game and the impact of Modern Controls on the fighting game community (FGC).

Questions Surrounding Modern Controls

While the Modern Controls mode has brought a new wave of players to Street Fighter 6, concerns have been raised about their potential impact on competitive play. Capcom’s strategy to attract new players has undoubtedly been successful, but the implications for the game’s pro leagues and championships remain uncertain.

One lingering question is whether players who use Modern Controls will be allowed to compete in the pro scene. Traditional, hardcore players may not welcome the idea, as Modern Controls simplify input requirements and add a 20% damage penalty. This could potentially lead to a divide within the community, with classical players feeling that Modern Controls undermine the skillset and expertise they have developed over years of practice.

Only time will tell if Street Fighter 6 can continue to balance the need for accessibility and approachability while maintaining the competitive spirit that has made the series a cornerstone of the FGC. As the game’s future unfolds, players and fans alike will be keeping a close eye on how Capcom navigates these challenges.


In spite of the debate about whether to use a modern controller or a classic controller, the game’s overall success and its ability to appeal to players of various backgrounds cannot be overlooked.

Just to emphasise that, the topic of MODERN CONTROL (M) in raking matches or in formal championships and tournaments is still a hot topic, and we anticipate hearing a lot more about it in the future. Perhaps this will become even more intense when a player who uses the MODERN (M) control defeats competitors who are skilled with the CLASSIC controls in a significant competition.

So, the game (SF6) is already on course to reach Capcom’s lofty objective of 10 million lifetime sales for Street Fighter 6. The fact that Street Fighter 6 is available on the PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S guarantees that gamers from all gaming platforms may take part in the intense conflicts it delivers.

In conclusion, Street Fighter 6’s victorious launch, which saw more than 1 million players in a short period of time, demonstrates its obvious allure and appeal. The game raises the bar for the genre with its hefty player reward and strong sales numbers. Street Fighter 6’s extraordinary success heralds an exciting future filled with anticipation as the Street Fighter franchise approaches the milestone of 50 million units sold. One final “truth”: It doesn’t matter how you play the game, just play it!

“Hit the Streets” – LUKE (Street Fighter 6)

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q)

Is Modern Controls Mode good for FGC?

The Modern Controls Mode in Street Fighter 6 offers a more accessible control scheme for beginners and casual players. Capcom designed this mode to lower the barrier to entry and let players of all skill levels jump right in. While this mode may benefit the Fighting Game Community (FGC) by bringing in new players, the impact it will have on long-term and classic players remains unclear.

Will Modern Control players compete in Pro Championships?

As of now, there is no clear answer regarding whether Modern Control players will be allowed to compete in Pro Championships or leagues. The decision will likely depend on the reception from the competitive FGC community and the overall balance between Modern and Classic Control styles.

How will hardcore players react to Modern Controls?

Hardcore, long-term players might be concerned that Modern Controls could potentially take away from the skill ceiling traditionally associated with Street Fighter games. Some may see it as a dilution of the core competitive experience. However, others may appreciate the potential for inclusivity brought forth by this new control scheme.

Does Modern Controls strategy benefit competitive play?

In the context of attracting new players and expanding the audience for Street Fighter 6, the Modern Controls strategy may prove beneficial for the competitive scene. However, the perceived balance between the modes and how they affect competitive play will ultimately determine the FGC’s acceptance of the new system.

Did SF6 please most players?

Street Fighter 6 received numerous positive reviews and attracted a significant player base since its release. While it is challenging to please all players, SF6 appears to come close to achieving that goal, with a wide range of players embracing the game.

How successful was SF6 at launch?

Since its release, Street Fighter 6 quickly reached a milestone of 1 million players. This success indicates the game’s popularity and Capcom’s effective strategy in appealing to both new and experienced players. However, the long-term effects of the Modern Controls mode on the competitive scene are yet to be seen.


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I am a gamer, musician, and tech enthusiast for a long time!

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