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Kloa – Child of the Forest: The Zelda and Studio Ghibli Mash-Up RPG You Need to Discover

Uncover the magic of Kloa – Child of the Forest, an upcoming pixel art RPG that blends the charm of The Legend of Zelda and Studio Ghibli. Get ready for a demo release this month and immerse yourself in this enthralling adventure.


Prepare to be captivated by Kloa – Child of the Forest, an upcoming pixel art RPG that masterfully combines elements from The Legend of Zelda and Studio Ghibli. This charming adventure is bound to capture your imagination and keep you hooked, with a demo set to release later this month.

Kloa – child of the forest – Official Reveal Trailer

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The Enchanting World of Kloa – Child of the Forest

Kloa - Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot
Kloa – Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot

Influences from Studio Ghibli

In Kloa – Child of the Forest, you step into the role of a young adventurer on a quest to restore a once-thriving forest now plagued by the devastating Ikari Curse. This gripping tale immediately evokes memories of Studio Ghibli’s revered works, as the game’s art style and narrative pay homage to the legendary animation studio.

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Environmental Themes

Studio Ghibli’s influence on the game is evident not only in the enchanting visuals but also in the overarching themes, which often touch upon environmentalism. Fans of Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, and Pom Poko will feel right at home exploring the rich world of Kloa.

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Blending Ghibli Magic with Zelda Adventure

Kloa - Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot 2
Kloa – Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot 2

Incorporating Zelda’s Gameplay Elements

However, Kloa – Child of the Forest doesn’t solely rely on Studio Ghibli’s magic. Developer Wildpad Games also draws inspiration from the breathtaking landscapes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. As you venture through various biomes, from towering mountains to eerie swamps, you’ll encounter environmental puzzles reminiscent of Zelda’s iconic gameplay.

Legend of Zelda Collectibles

Engaging Combat and Gameplay

Kloa - Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot 3
Kloa – Child of the Forest: Gameplay Screenshot 3

Combat Mechanics

One standout feature of Kloa is the engaging combat system. Wield a katana to dispatch close-range enemies and a bow for long-range encounters, all while utilizing a swift dash to evade and reposition. The fluid movement and combat mechanics may remind players of the critically acclaimed Hyper Light Drifter. The true potential of this combat system is yet to be fully revealed, but the thrill of dashing through battles is undeniably alluring.

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Successful Kickstarter and Upcoming Demo

"Kloa - Child of the Forest" Has Been Successfully Funded on Kickstarter.
“Kloa – Child of the Forest” Has Been Successfully Funded on Kickstarter

Kickstarter Milestones

The Kickstarter campaign for Kloa – Child of the Forest has been a resounding success, surpassing its initial goal of €35k and unlocking stretch goals, including a new area, a fishing mini-game, and console ports. The developer recently announced that the demo is nearly complete, with release details coming soon.

Kloa - Child of the Forest - Kickstarter Milestones
Kloa – Child of the Forest – Kickstarter Milestones

Stay Tuned for the Demo

Keep an eye out for this captivating demo, and don’t miss the chance to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Kloa – Child of the Forest. As the release date approaches, be sure to follow Wildpad Games and stay informed about any updates or announcements.

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Hello everyone,
Firstly, thank you for your patience while waiting for the Kloa: Child of the Forest demo to be released. We are pleased to inform you that work on the demo is practically finished and we will announce the release date soon! We are finalizing the scenes graphically to ensure maximum quality.

Wildpad Games



Kloa – Child of the Forest promises to be an unforgettable journey, combining the best of The Legend of Zelda and Studio Ghibli. With its stunning visuals, thought-provoking themes, and engaging gameplay, this is an adventure that fans of both franchises won’t want to miss. Mark your calendars for the demo release, and prepare to be captivated by the magic of Kloa.

You can wishlist the game on Steam Right Now, but while we wait for more info, here’s what to expect from the game:

  • Discover a world filled with beauty, animal friends, and different biomes to explore. Unravel the secrets of the forest and solve puzzles! Hand-drawn pixel art inspired by natural environments and classic top-down games.
  • Action combat based on the katana and bow: melee combat combo and attacks, guard and deflect projectiles, dash to avoid enemy hits and pierce your foes with Kloa’s “soul bow.”
  • Buy items and skills using Tanuki Leaves and increase your abilities. Acquire new attacks and equipment to fight your enemies!
  • A compelling and emotional story, enriched with an orchestral soundtrack inspired by traditional Japanese music.


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I am a gamer, musician, and tech enthusiast for a long time!

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